Find out what's happening in the Parish this week.
In this issue
Brunch for Young Parents
May Fun Day
40 Hours
March for Life
Mother's Day
Brunch for Young Parents

Parish Fun Day

40 Hours
May 4 - 6 the parish will hold its annual Forty Hours of Eucharistic Adoration. The adoration will begin after the 9 am Mass and end with Benediction at 10 pm, except on Friday when it will end with Mass at 7 pm. Come and spend some quiet time with Jesus the Lord.
March for Life
May 12th in Victoria
A bus will be leaving Our Lady of Fatima Parish at 7:30 am. We will attend 9.30 am Mass at Sacred Heart Parish, Ladner. We will take the 11:00 am ferry at Tsawwassen Terminal and return on the 5:00 pm ferry, arriving at Our Lady of Fatima Parish at approximately 7:30 pm. (FYI, Our Lady of Fatima has a large parking lot). Bus to the March and Rally on the island. We will be going as foot passengers on the ferry.
Ferry return cost: Under 5 Free, 6 to 11 years: $15; 12 to 64 years: $30; Seniors: Free with ID.
Bus return cost: Under 12 Free; 12 and over $30.
To reserve your seat please call Michael Yeo at 604-374-2308.
Mother’s Day Ukraine CWL Fundraising
