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August 18th Pastor's Message

Read this week's message from Father Don


Dear parishioners

It has been a lovely summer in Vancouver, some days a bit too hot, some a bit too cold, but overall an enjoyable July and August. 

I hope most of you were able to take a summer vacation. Stepping away from the busyness of daily life is so important for maintaining balance in our lives. My vacation included a week on Vancouver Island with my siblings and a week in Langley with friends. It was very relaxing and refreshing.

Looking ahead

This September I will present the third of the annual challenges designed to assist your personal growth. 

In January I invited you to make an annual financial commitment to the parish and in May I invited you to commit yourself to a two hour volunteer task in the parish. Both initiatives were well received.

The third challenge concerns spiritual growth. On September 22 you will be invited to commit yourself to a one-time or an extended spiritual formation activity within the parish. You may wish to sign up for ALPHA, ALPHA MARRIAGE or RESCUE (a new program in the parish). Another option would be to participate in an Advent retreat or weekly family prayer during October.

Whatever option you choose, commitment to spiritual formation is a key commitment for any Catholic who is serious about their faith. Growing in closeness to Christ is the goal of our faith and this requires some effort on our part. Attending Sunday Mass and saying prayers before bed is not sufficient to ensure we are growing in Christian maturity. To live the faith well in our anti-Christian culture, more is required.

Other upcoming parish events

  • September 8 “Welcome back” event.

  • Sunday morning First Communion family gatherings.

  • October 10 Rosary procession.

  • November 3 Parish Feast Day.

I’m looking forward to a great season of fun and formation within the parish.


Fr Don

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