Find out what's happening in the Parish this week.
In this issue
Young Adults Ministry
ASPYM update

Come find out at Alpha
What is Alpha?
Alpha is an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith, in a friendly, open, and
informal environment.
Alpha is not so much a course but an experience! Gathering once a week over
breakfast, Alpha brings together people from every walk of life.
No matter where Alpha takes place, the format is the same. We eat together, we
listen to a talk, and then we gather in small groups for discussion. Over 29 million
people across the globe have done Alpha.
Who is Alpha For?
Alpha is for everyone and anyone. The beauty of Alpha is that there are no questions
that are too silly or too simple. Alpha has no prerequisites whatsoever. We come
together with one another as we are, free to be ourselves.
How can I take part?
Watch this video if you want to learn more!
Young Adults Ministry

ASPYM update
Youth Ministry is excited to come back this Fall! We're excited to grow closer in community and in our faith. We have plenty of youth nights, games nights and hangouts planned for this year! This year we want to focus on giving youth the tools they need to encounter Christ.
We'll announce our welcome back event in the coming weeks, so stay tuned. You can follow us on Instagram or join our email list by clicking below!
Lastly, we're always looking for leaders to join our core team! Our core team helps plan and run out Youth nights. If you are 18+ and are looking for a fun place to serve in the church, dm us on Instagram!
I would like to make contact with the Young Adults Ministry and invite them to a Laudato Si' Circle group at St. Joseph's in Port Moody the second Wednesday of every month 7:30-9:00 pm. The next meeting is this Wednesday, September 14th. For more information, please contact Margaret Ross @ or 604-345-031`5.