A message from Father Don!
Dear parishioners,
Let’s think about the gifts God has bestowed upon us. Ask yourself: What am I good at? What do I enjoy? What are my personality strengths? What are my practical skills?
Personally, I believe I am good at analyzing things and have a bit of creativity and ability with writing. I have a deep love for Jesus and confidence in his Church. I have been given a patient personality and a sincere concern for the suffering and the excluded. What about you?
God has given gifts to every one of us, as St Paul states in I Corinthians 12.4 “There are a variety of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who actives all of them in everyone.”

Paul goes on to point out that the gifts are given for the common good, i.e. the building up of the Church. But they also have another essential purpose, namely, to make individuals feel valuable, competent and important in the world. God wants people to feel good about themselves and bestows unique gifts upon them for this very purpose.
How discouraging it is for a person to feel they are not good at anything or that “someone else can do this better.” God does not want this. He wants us to be grateful for those unique gifts of personality and skill he has given each one of us.
We are precious in God’s sight and, like any wise father, he wants to build up his children so they feel confident and capable of thriving in the world. Recognizing our gifts and exercising them effectively affirms our personal dignity and self-worth.
So, what gifts has God given YOU?
Love Father Don