Find out what's happening in the Parish this week.
In this issue
QAS Gala
Prayer Ministry
Youth Ministry Winter Schedule
The Rescue Project
Seniors Luncheon
Anointing Ceremony
CWL Membership Drive
Gordon & Men’s Shelter
Spring Retreat
Mardi Gras
Save the Date: QAS GALA, February 1, 2025:
Follow us on IG & Facebook for the latest information @QASGALA
We are welcoming all levels of sponsorship to help make this a successful school event for our kids! Sponsorship and auction information is attached, and information will be coming home with your children this week.
100% of the profits go back to the school and directly benefit your children.
The success of this event relies on our generous sponsors and family support. Some much-needed upgrades will come to our school following this event.
Prayer Ministry

Do you need prayers?
Our prayer team members will be available to pray with you every 1st and 4th Sunday of the Month after the 9:00am and 11:00 am Mass.
Youth Ministry

We have a wide variety of gatherings planned for youth ministry this winter that won't disappoint! Be sure to mark your calendars and prepare for your child to connect, meet friends, grow in faith, and make a difference through our events and service projects.
See attached poster for details.
The Rescue Project
Wednesdays | 6:30 - 8:30pm | Parish Hall

We live our lives according to the stories we believe....
What if there is a different story?
Experience the Gospel in an attractive and compelling way?
Join us on Wednesdays nights starting February 12th for
Click on the link to register:
or scan the QR code on the poster in the foyer.

Spring Retreat
April 11 - 13 | Deroche , BC

All adult women are invited to a spring retreat sponsored by All Saints Catholic Women’s League. You don’t need to be a member to attend the retreat.
Space is limited so register as soon as possible.
The theme for the retreat is “Growing in Your Relationship with Christ and Our Neighbors”.
