Find out what's happening in the Parish this week.
In this issue
All Saints Parish Youth Ministry
Ordination Anniversary
Thanksgiving Mass-Fr. Dan Ramos
Project Advance 2023
Save the Date: Parish Picnic
Support the CCO mission at World Youth Day
Lectors’ Social!
Happy Summer!
All Saints Parish Youth Ministry
Sunday, June 25 | 4:45 pm
Let’s kick off summer, with an evening of sports, food and fellowship! All teens in grades 6-12 are welcome – remember to bring a friend!
Ordination Anniversary
Sunday, June 25 | 9:00 am & 11:00 am
Please join us for Fr. Don and Fr. Bryan's ordination anniversary celebration. Fr. Don's anniversary is on June 28th and Fr. Bryan's anniversary is on June 11th. Please remember to pray for them. Congratulations to both of you. We rejoice with you on this special occasion and thank God for your service to our parish community.
Thanksgiving Mass- Fr. Dan Ramos
Project Advance 2023
PROJECT ADVANCE is back! Last year, we raised an incredible $150,000 and this year Fr. Don aims to match that amount. The money will go toward salaries and the hiring of new parish staff. To make a donation go to and choose “All Saints” at the very top of the parish listings.
SUMMER FUN IN THE PARK for Tiny Tykes and their parents
This summer Tiny Tykes, the parish playgroup, will be meeting outdoors. Join them at various parks in the area on June 28, July 12 and July 26, to soak up the summer vibes while building friendships and making incredible memories with your kiddos. Stay updated by joining the Tiny Tykes Facebook group!
If you have children attending public elementary school, PREP can assist them in preparing for First Communion and Confirmation, while deepening their knowledge of the faith. PREP, meets in the school on Thursday evenings and has classes for Grade 1 through Grade 7. Registration for PREP is now open.
Save the Date: Parish Picnic
Sunday | August 13
Summer is here! Mark your calendars and join us as we come together as a community for a day of fun, food, and fellowship at our annual Parish Picnic! More information to follow.
Support the CCO mission at World Youth Day
This summer thousands of young Catholics will be attending World Youth Day in Portugal and Catholic Christian Outreach will be there. CCO is an evangelization movement specializing in outreach to university students. WYD offers a very fruitful evangelization opportunity so please help CCO by providing financial support for this mission.
Lectors’ Social!
Wednesday | June 28 | 6:00 pm
Calling all Lectors and aspiring ones, for a fun-filled Lector Social at our parish. Indulge in delicious pizza and beverages, and if you can bring some shareable food. Come and strengthen our parish lector community by meeting fellow lectors, sharing experiences and deepening our understanding of this vital ministry. See you there! To RSVP email Julie at with your name and # of attendees, or for questions call on 604-785-2211
Happy Summer!
This is the last issue of the parish news for summer. We will resume end of August. Have a great summer!