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In this issue
All Saints Charity Outreach Update
All Saints Charity Outreach Update
Congratulations and Thanks to all of you who sent in your commitment forms for the parish Charity Outreach. We now have an additional 50 individuals who have signed up to offer their help with specific projects like running errands for those in need, phoning and visiting homebound members of our community, getting involved with our food distribution or breakfast program in our neighbourhood community schools.
An additional point of the celebration is our international support for those in need through This year there are twenty-seven (27) parishioners sponsoring a total of forty-one (41) kids from different countries all over the world.
Meanwhile, if you or anyone you know needs a home visit, help with errands, getting a ride for appointments or recently lost a loved one and can benefit from some guidance, help and accompaniment, send us an email at
Remember: Jesus cares, we care!
On March 13th our RCIA catechumens, now known as “The Elect”, attended the Rite of Election with their sponsors at Holy Rosary Cathedral. The Rite of Election is when the Church makes its “election”, that is, the choice to admit those catechumens who are deemed ready to receive the Sacrament of Initiation. This choice is made by the Church (Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver) as an outward

expression of the choice already made by God. It was done in the presence of Archbishop Michael Miller, CSB and their names were inscribed in the Book of the Elect at the Cathedral as a pledge of fidelity.