Find out what's happening in the Parish this Fall.
In this issue
Mass change on November 5th & Adoration Night
Invitation Night
All Saints day Art Gallery
Young Adults
Fire in the Valley
Peter & Francisca's Farewell
Carney Garage Sale
Mass Change on November 5th and Adoration
Evening Mass on November 5th will be at 6:30 on November 5th. This is because we will be hosting an Adoration night from 7:30-10 pm that Friday! This adoration night is for all parishioners; there will be Praise and Worship, Confession and a social after!

Invitation Workshop
Oct., 19th
This Tuesday at 6:30, we are hosting a workshop on how to Invite your friends and family to parish events. The night will kick off with Pizza!
We often want to reach out to people, but we feel awkward or don't know what to say. Eric Chow will be giving a talk on practical tips on how to invite people, whether to Alpha, Adoration, or Mass.
Inviting people to the parish events is a crucial part of evangelization and parish renewal!
All Saints Day Art Exhibit
Oct., 31st
We are looking forward to celebrating All Saints Parish Feast on Sunday, October 31st, 2021, with a walk-thru art exhibit featuring Art Work from the young people in the Parish!
We would like to invite all young people in our Parish to submit an entry! It could be an art form, such as posters (digital or hand-drawn), paintings, sculptures, collage, etc. The theme for the exhibit is An Image of my Favorite Saint.
It will be displayed at the Parish Hall from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm for anyone to view and appreciate. There will be raffle prizes for all people who visit the exhibit.
Entries must be brought in by October 25th, 5:00 pm at the Parish Office.
Young Adults
October 16th
All Saints Young Adults are praying and drinking together this weekend! Join us this Saturday for 5:00 pm Mass. Afterwards, we'll be headed to Lively hood pub till about 10:00 pm. Feel free to invite friends!

Fire in the Valley
Oct., 22nd
Dear All Saints parish young adults! Life Restoration Canada has a special event for all the young adults of the Archdiocese of Vancouver on October 29th. They're having a Fire in the Valley event (evening of bonfire, music and fellowship).

Follow @liferestorationcanada on Instagram and purchase your ticket on the Life Restoration website at (Note: tickets are already on sale and are selling fast. Food trucks and beer will be extra.)
We hope to gather a group of young adults from All Saints parish at 6 pm on October 29th then carpool to the bonfire together. Please let us know if you can offer rides or need rides to Abbotsford. We will do our best to get you there.
Feel free to DM Valeria for rides (@valerianandayapa).
Please make sure to get your tickets ahead of time.
Francesca & Peters Farewell Mass
Oct., 24th
Long-time parishioners Francesa and Peter are leaving the Parish this month! After over 30 years of Parish life here at All Saints, they are moving to Nanaimo.
To thank them for their service and say farewell, there will be cake in the Hall after 9:00, and 11 am Mass on the 24th.
Click the plus symbol below to leave a Farewell Message to Peter and Francesca!
Annual Carney Garage Sale
October 23rd & 24th
ACRSS will hold the Tri-Cities area's biggest indoor garage sale on Saturday, October 23rd (8:30 am to 3:30 pm) and Sunday, October 24th (9:30 am to 1:30 pm) at Archbishop Carney Regional Secondary School, 1335 Dominion Avenue, Port Coquitlam.
This year’s Garage Sale promises to be a great event with an impressive range of new and used items at great prices. As always, we will also have an on-site Concession and our famous Home-made Bake Sale.
Please note that as a non-essential indoor public event, proof of vaccination will be required to enter as per public health orders.