Find out what's happing around the Archdiocese
Mental Health Speaker Series
Faith and Science Scholarship
Hallowtide the Gardens of Gethsemani, October 31 - November 2
An Evening with the Saints: All Saints Day Celebration with Readings and Relics
Annual Mass for Deceased Bishops, Clergy, and Consecrated Men and Women
Youth and Families' Substance Use Prevention Movie Night

Faith and Science Scholarship
The Vancouver Chapter of the Society of Catholic Scientists is offering scholarships valued at $1000 and $500 to two Catholic undergraduate students enrolled in a science discipline at a post-secondary institution within the Archdiocese of Vancouver. Applicants will be evaluated on the quality of their essay or video submission. GPA will not be factored into the assessment. Application deadline is November 1. Learn more and apply at
Hallowtide the Gardens of Gethsemani, October 31 - November 2
To welcome the Month of Holy Souls, come to the Gardens of Gethsemani for three days of prayer, Masses, and activities.
On Thursday, October 31, all are invited to an All Hallows' Eve Prayer Vigil and candle-lit procession beginning at 6:30 pm.
On Friday, November 1, All Saints' Day activities for children will begin at 5:00 pm followed by Mass with Archbishop Miller at 6:30 pm.
Finally, on Saturday, November 2, there will be All Souls' Day activities for children beginning at 4:00 pm and Mass at 6:30 pm.
After the activities and Masses for these days, there will be refreshments and fellowship. For more information about each of the days, please visit
An Evening with the Saints: All Saints Day Celebration with Readings and Relics
Friday | Nov 1st | 6:30 pm | Our Lady of Assumption, Poco
Join priests and religious in the Archdiocese to honour the saints. This event includes readings from various saints, a candlelight procession, a litany of saints, chanted compline, and the opportunity to venerate the relics of many saints, including our most recently canonized Canadian saint, Saint Marie-Léonie Paradis. The event is geared towards all young adults but especially those who are seeking to connect with other young adults and discerning a deepening call to holiness and vocation. Friday, November 1 at Our Lady of the Assumption, Port Coquitlam. 6:30 p.m. Confessions, 7:00 p.m. Mass, 8:00 p.m. Readings and Relics.
Annual Mass for Deceased Bishops, Clergy, and Consecrated Men and Women
Wednesday | Nov 6th | 12:10pm | Holy Rosary Cathedral, Vancouver
All parishioners are welcome to attend this special Liturgy concelebrated by the priests of the Archdiocese. Remember kindly in your prayers during the month of November those who have laboured for the Church in Vancouver and pray that the Lord will send more dedicated men and women to continue their ministry. Wednesday, November 6 at 12:10 p.m. at Holy Rosary Cathedral. Learn more at
Youth and Families' Substance Use Prevention Movie Night
Wednesday | November 6th | 7pm | Our Lady Of Lourdes, Coquitlam
Watch a screening of the 42 minute CBC Nature of Things documentary narrated by David Suzuki which tells the story of three BC teens, their parents and doctors, who all agree that starting to smoke marijuana in their teens has led to the mental health challenges they now face in their 20's. Following the film, Catie Moric, Youth Co-ordinator from Christ the Redeemer Parish in West Vancouver, will give a short talk on why she chooses not to experiment with substance use, and instead lives a clean and sober life in the Church. Wednesday, November 6 at 7:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes, Coquitlam. Learn more at