Find out what's been going on in the Parish
In this issue
Easter Liturgies- Thank You
ALPHA Retreat
RCIA Retreat
Thank you from the Wilson Family
Blooms in Rooms
Easter Liturgies- Thank You
Our Holy Week liturgies were fantastic! Thanks to all the volunteers and staff who helped: the altar society members for the beautiful flowers and church decorations, the sacristans, the choirs, the altar servers, the lectors, the eucharistic ministers, the ushers, the Knights of Columbus, the social committee, the Easter Brunch and egg hunt helpers, the RCIA team and all the other workers. You are wonderful and we thank God for you! Enjoy the pictures.
ALPHA Retreat
All Saints' Alpha series began in February with three small groups meeting weekly on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings in various locations. The Alpha retreat, where participants from all three groups came together, was held from March 31 to April 1. It was a great opportunity for fellowship, prayer, worship, and experiencing the Holy Spirit. Thanks to all participants and volunteers who made it possible!
RCIA Retreat
The RCIA program's participants and facilitators gathered for a retreat in the parish hall on April 1st. They enjoyed dinner and engaged in activities, teachings on the Holy Spirit, and Holy Week expectations. The retreat was a blessed time, and the participants were very engaged. On April 8th, four RCIA participants and two SFU students entered the Catholic Church during the Easter vigil. Please pray for Veronica, Klaus, Marco, and Alivia to continue thriving in their faith journey and relationship with Christ.

Thank you from the Wilson Family
“How do I start thanking my parish community for the love, support and prayers offered for Mark and I and our family over the past 7 months. Mark and I found it very humbling to know that so many people were praying for us – it often brought tears to Mark’s eyes when I shared all the prayer intentions being said for him and our family. Prayer is powerful and please know that we felt God’s presence throughout Mark’s diagnosis. It was a difficult journey, but Mark and I trusted God in His plan for our family. Please continue to pray for Mark’s soul and for me and the kids as we all navigate the next chapters in our lives.”
With much love and appreciation,
Laura Wilson and family

Blooms in Rooms
A selection of photos from a fabulous morning. Thanks to benefactors Life Compass/RCAV and Coquitlam Florist/ Catherine Polonio, thanks to founders Wim Vander Zalm and Terry O’Neill.
On a rainy Holy Saturday Maria Dosen with Sal & Susan Schembri of All Saints Parish delivered flowers and cards to 2 care homes in Coquitlam. One is Madison Care Centre and the other is Como Lake Care Centre. Big thank you to our PREP students for making such beautiful Easter greeting cards for each and every resident at both facilities, and to the children of the Focolare group for making those beautiful posters. Another project showing how Jesus cares and we at All Saints Parish do care.