Find out how the New Year is going
In this issue
RCIA Update
First Confession & First Communion
RCIA Update
As you've seen in the last parish news and witnessed at the 11 am Mass a few weeks ago, we have 2 RCIA Candidates and 5 Catechumens. This is the RCIA team that has been leading them on their faith journey. The team has been meeting regularly in person, when allowed, as well as more recently on zoom, for check-in sessions with the faith formation coordinator, Lorraine.
Cristie, Rosemary, Patrizia & Aiden are having a blast and at the same time growing in closeness to Jesus as they journey with their candidates and catechumens.

First Confession & First Communion
The children preparing for their First Communion received the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time last week with a solemn penitential rite followed by individual confessions, lighting of the candle at the altar to signify the light of Christ burning brightly in their hearts.
What a wonderful sight it is to see parent and child before the altar of the Lord, lighting the candle and praying together.
Our children in QAS and PREP will receive the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist on May 28, at 10:30 am.
Please keep all of them in your prayers!