Find out what's happening in the Parish this week.
In this issue
All Saints Parish Youth Ministry
Prayer Workshop
Eucharistic Adoration
Ordination Anniversary
Thanksgiving Mass-Fr. Dan Ramos
Project Advance 2023
Tiny Tykes
All Saints Parish Youth Ministry
Sunday, June 11 | 4:45 pm
Come to an evening of fun games, food and fellowship! All teens in grades 6-12 are welcome – remember to bring a friend!
How to have a Personal Prayer Time Workshop
Thursday, June 15 | 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm | Parish Hall
If you missed the last workshop, we are offering it again. Please bring your bible, your journal, and a pen.
Here is some of the feedback after the last workshop:
“It was a great workshop indeed and I have since been praying every day and enjoying my ‘coffee time’ with the Holy Trinity.”
“It is easy to get immersed in it. I like that it gave my prayer time structure.”
“This method, for lack of a better word, is something I never heard of, and it just clicked for me.”
“It had a profound effect on me and will really make my prayer time so much more meaningful.”
Eucharistic Adoration
Thursday, June 15 | 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Come and spend some quiet time in adoration with Jesus and deepen your relationship with Him.
Ordination Anniversary
Sunday, June 25 | 9:00 am & 11:00 am
Please join us for Fr. Don and Fr. Bryan's ordination anniversary celebration. Fr. Don's anniversary is on June 28th and Fr. Bryan's anniversary is on June 11th. Please remember to pray for them. Congratulations to both of you. We rejoice with you on this special occasion and thank God for your service to our parish community.
Thanksgiving Mass- Fr. Dan Ramos
Project Advance 2023
PROJECT ADVANCE 2023 has begun. Last year, the parish campaign raised $150,000 and Fr Don would like to raise the same amount this year. The money will go toward the hiring of new parish staff. To donate go to and choose “All Saints” at the very top of the parish listings. Then enter your donation amount and means of payment. Your tax receipt will be emailed to you.
Tiny Tykes
Tiny Tykes is a parent / child playgroup that has been running successfully at the parish since January. All parents, grandparents or other caregivers are welcome to bring their children to play with the toys provided while spending quality time with other adults over coffee. The final gathering in the parish center basement will be this Wednesday, June 14 after 9am mass. For the summer months, we will be moving outdoors. Join us at various parks in the area on June 28, July 12 and July 26. We will break for August and return to the parish center on September 13.