Find out what's happing around the Archdiocese
The Twelfth Annual Archbishop's Dinner
Hallowtide Triduum at Gardens of Gethsemani
Vocation Live-In
Dinner & Lecture by Hugh Owen-Hosted by Knights of Columbus
The Twelfth Annual Archbishop's Dinner
Thursday | Nov 9 | 6:00 pm | Hyatt Regency, Vancouver
The Archbishop’s Dinner has become a way for the faithful of the Archdiocese of Vancouver to gather and to hear updates from our Archbishop on the activities of the past year and where we are headed in the next. Your support of the twelfth annual dinner will provide funding to the Caring for Our Clergy Fund, St. Joseph’s Society, and for furnishing a new convent for the Sisters.
On Thursday, November 9, 6:00 p.m. at Hyatt Regency in Vancouver. Sponsorship opportunities are also available! Learn more at . Click the link below to register.
Hallowtide Triduum
Nov 1st & 2nd | 6:30 pm | Gardens of Gethsemani Catholic Cemetery, South Surrey
The Hallowtide Triduum consists of All Hallows’ Eve (October 31), All Saints’ Day (November 1), and All Souls’ Day (November 2). This is a time to connect and remember the members of the entire Church – those here on earth, those suffering in purgatory, and those in heaven.
All are invited to a candlelight vigil procession on All Hallows’ Eve and to our Masses on All Saints’ Day and on All Souls' Day, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., in the Evangelist Chapel at Gardens of Gethsemani Catholic Cemetery in South Surrey. Learn more at
Vocation Live-In
November 4-5, 2023 | Grades 8-12 | Seminary of Christ The King
There will be a Vocation Live-In on the weekend of November 4-5, 2023 at the Seminary of Christ the King in Mission, BC. Anyone wishing to enter the Seminary in the next couple of years is welcome.
For more information phone 604-826-8975 or email
Dinner & Lecture by Hugh Owen - Hosted by Knight of Columbus
Saturday Dec 9 | 5:30pm |Holy Family Parish, 4851 Beatrice St, Vancouver

he Knights of Columbus Council (Fr Walker Council #16076 – Holy Family Parish in Vancouver) is holding a dinner lecture event on Saturday, December 9th.
The speaker will be Hugh Owen from the Kolbe Center (Speakers – Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation). The lecture will be on the errors of evolution and how its tenets contradict Catholic doctrine. The event will be held in the church basement with a buffet roast beef dinner.
Tickets $75 each and can be purchased online -