Find out what's happing around the Archdiocese
Men's Retreat
Community Dinner With Temple Sholom
Inter-Apostolic Youth Conference
Papal Honours Mass
Making Sense of Anxiety in Children and Youth
Retrouvaille Weekend - Marriage Help
Men’s Retreat
Sept 20-22 | Rockridge Canyon

Join Life Restoration Ministries for the 2024 Men’s Retreat at Rockridge Canyon on September 20-22!
The experience offers something for everyone– powerful presentations, prayer time, break-out sessions, sacraments, fellowship, adventure, music, rest, quiet, hiking, and the stunning beauty of Rockridge Canyon.
This is the retreat you don't want to miss!
Registration :
Community Dinner with Temple Sholom
Tuesday | Sept 17th | 6pm - 8:30pm | John Paul II Pastoral Center
Join us for a community dinner with Temple Sholom! Rabbi Dan Moskovitz and Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, will dialogue on their respective religious traditions with a focus on how their traditions mark important life milestones — bar/bat mitzvahs, baptisms, weddings, funerals.
There will also be an opportunity for table discussions amongst participants to share their experiences of their own origin stories. This is a wonderful opportunity for the Catholic and Jewish communities to come together in dialogue and friendship.
On Tuesday, September 17, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at John Paul II Pastoral Centre in Vancouver.
Registration deadline: Friday, September 6. Ticket cost is $36/person. Learn more and register at
Inter-Apostolic Youth Conference
Saturday | September 7th | 8:30am - 8:30pm | Precious Blood Parish | Surrey | $20

The first-ever Inter-Apostolic Youth Conference offers a full day of inspiring talks, uplifting worship, and engaging activities designed to help you grow in your faith and strengthen the bonds of friendship among young people from various apostolates.
Hosted by the Filipino Ministry of the Archdiocese of Vancouver, this year’s theme is Revival: Awake, Arise, Welcome Home. Whether you are deeply rooted in your faith or just beginning your spiritual journey, this event is for you. It is an opportunity to encounter God’s love, experience a sense of belonging, and be part of something greater than ourselves.
On Saturday, September 7, 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Precious Blood Parish in Surrey. Event cost is $20. Learn more and register at
Papal Honours Mass
Sunday | September 8th | 11am | Holy Rosary Cathedral
Nineteen men and women of the Archdiocese will be recognized for their outstanding service to the Church. Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, will confer the papal honours awarded by Pope Francis at a Mass at Holy Rosary Cathedral in Vancouver.
All are invited to attend for this special celebration on Sunday, September 8, at 11:00 a.m. Learn more at
Making Sense of Anxiety in Children and Youth
Tuesdays | Sept 17 - Oct 15 | 7:30pm - 9pm | Online | $25
The escalating level of anxiety in our children begs for an explanation as well as a solution. Dr. Gordon Neufeld sheds light on this age-old problem, paving the way for natural interventions that can actually get to the root causes as opposed to just managing symptoms.
Although the focus is on children, this enlightening material will benefit anyone suffering from anxiety.Dr. Neufeld's revolutionary yet science-specific approach turns parenting right-side-up, restoring natural intuition to parenting and putting parents back in the driver's seat.
This video course takes the best that science has to offer and renders it readily accessible to parents of children of all ages.
Every Tuesday, starting September 17 until October 15, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. via Zoom. Cost is $25. Learn more and register at
Retrouvaille Weekend - Marriage Help
Need Marriage Help? Why live in unhappiness or misery? You can revive your relationship!
Retrouvaille is an effective, affordable marriage program consisting of an in-person weekend retreat and 12 virtual or live weekly Sunday afternoon follow-up sessions.
Tens of thousands of couples have been helped to recover from all kinds of marriage crises! Open to couples of all faiths, or no faith.
For confidential information or to register for the fall program commencing the weekend of October 18 - 20, 2024 near Vancouver, email, call 604-530-6710, or visit