Read this week's message from Father Don
Dear parishioners
“Do you love me?” That is the heart-piercing question Jesus asked Peter at the Sea of Galilee after his rising from the dead. “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Three times Jesus challenged Peter with that question and each time Peter had to look into his own heart and ask himself “Do I really love him?”
It is a good question to ask ourselves periodically. “What does Jesus mean in my life? Can I honestly say that I love him?” Many of us would have to reply: I try to love Jesus but I don’t love him enough.
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A simple way we can grow in love for Christ is through participation in a faith formation experience, either in the parish or elsewhere. In the contemporary church a great range of formation opportunities are available: video programs; discussion groups; prayer experiences; retreats. Some are short-term, others are long-term, but all can be beneficial for our spiritual growth.
This September I encourage you to commit to a one-time or an extended spiritual formation activity within the parish. You will be able to sign up either on-line or through a commitment form towards the end of the month.
Six options will be available, three short-term and three extended activities:
Family prayer during October
November 10 spiritual discussion after 9 am mass.
Advent evening retreat: November 30 for women; December 6 for men
ALPHA (eight Tuesday evening sessions beginning October 8)
RESCUE (eight Tuesday evening sessions beginning October 22)
ALPHA MARRIAGE (six Friday evening sessions beginning October 18)
Every adult parishioner should be able to find an activity that suits them. Whatever option you choose, commitment to spiritual formation is a key commitment for any Catholic who is serious about their faith.
This fall let’s commit ourselves to growing in closeness to Christ.